Efface - определение. Что такое Efface
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Что (кто) такое Efface - определение

v. a.
Obliterate, erase, expunge, blot, cancel, rub out, wipe out, scratch out, rub off, blot out, strike out.
·vt To destroy, as a mental impression; to wear away.
II. Efface ·vt To cause to disappear (as anything impresses or inscribed upon a surface) by rubbing out, striking out, ·etc.; to Erase; to render illegible or indiscernible; as, to efface the letters on a monument, or the inscription on a coin.
¦ verb
1. erase (a mark) from a surface.
2. (efface oneself) make oneself appear insignificant or inconspicuous.
effacement noun
C15 (in the sense 'pardon or be absolved from an offence'): from Fr. effacer, from e- (from L. ex- 'away from') + face 'face'.
Примеры произношения для Efface
1. and we're supposed to efface ourselves
The Art of Logic _ Eugenia Cheng _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Efface
1. Since his death in 1'75 successive Spanish governments have tried to efface his memory.
2. Nature, left to its own devices, might efface the city – the tallest, proudest evidence of mankind‘s achievement.
3. They agreed that to regain momentum, Mr Davis needs an event with an impact so high profile that it might efface his conference failure.
4. He has had a good week but he must do much more to efface the portrait of his premiership which the Tories are seeking to paint.
5. Moreover, publicly proclaiming a child criminal or antisocial often leads to him or her accepting the label, rather than working to efface it; a juvenile offender turns into an adult criminal.